The Partnership Between My Photographs and My Designs

The Partnership Between My Photographs and My Designs

Issue 1:  Shell's Retail & Fashion Blog
Written and compiled by Shell of the Shell Design Boutique:


You may have noticed on many of the products that I have designed myself, the designs look like a photograph.  Well, that is exactly what they are.  When I'm using one of my photos as the basis of a design, I will use various photo editing apps and programs to turn the photo into something exciting and unique.  I really enjoy changing and manipulating my photos to add value to them and, many times, totally changing what they represent.



For instance, on this oven mitt, I chose a photo of some ripe and unripened blackberries as the design for the oven mitt.  I didn't really change the photo any, except to zoom and crop.  Fortunately for me, living in the country, I have a variety of natural art opportunities.



By contrast, I chose to use this photo of my daughter picking the blackberries and putting them in a basket for a Garden Flag design.  I added text and adjusted the settings to make the photo look vintage or classic.  I think it helped evoke childhood memories that I treasure.  At least, it does for me :)

As you can see, I've got lots of opportunities to change my photos up, into something new.  I get very excited planning what I'll do next.  Who knows where I'll go from here??!!  Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you check out some of the items from my shop located at the bottom of this page.

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Many of my original designs were made using Printify, a "print on demand" website.  I am very happy with the results.  You can try them at

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