Repeat, Repeat, and then......Repeat Again!

Repeat, Repeat, and then......Repeat Again!

Issue No. 4:  Shell's Retail & Fashion Blog
Written by Shell of Shell Design Boutique


Hi, thanks for stopping in!  Sooo, some very talented artists and designers in the world seem to create new and exciting pieces of work everyday.  Unfortunately, the rest of us aren't so lucky.  In my own design adventures, I've found that if I come up with a really good design, that means it's time to put everything on REPEAT, REPEAT and then.......REPEAT AGAIN!


I truly love creating and designing all my artwork.  Creating it wouldn't be so fun if I didn't, however what I really love may not always be what the regular consumer is willing to pay for. That was a very hard concept to accept when I started on this journey to becoming a creator and designer. I wanted to design clothing, home decor and what every else appealed to me, then have lots of people waiting in the wings ready to buy them.  Sad to say, that was definitely a dream world, because in the real world with high costs and inflation, people as a whole, have to worry about where every penny is going.  Sooo, how do I encourage the ones who can, to buy my products or make the conversion and "add to cart?"  There are many different ways, but in this post, I'm discussing the repeat or duplication process.


When I dream up a truly gorgeous design that seems to appeal to the public as well, then I start to think I have created something great that might actually sale, which means it's time to REPEAT!  Now when I say repeat (or duplicate,) I'm not talking about "borrowing" someone else's idea or design.  While imitation is considered the highest form of flattery, in the world we live in, that is called copyright infringement and that's bad.  Don't do that!  But when you create a great design yourself, it's time to start putting it on products.  How many different products should you make?  In my honest opinion, as many as you can think of!!  Check out my "Tall Giraffe Surrounded by Greenery" product line.



I have great fun creating a new design, then figuring out all the different ways it can be used.  It is quite satisfying when I realize that I've just created a new line of products and it began with just one design. In the beginning, I felt it was somehow cheating or being too repetiive to use the same design on a several different products, until I realized that was the whole point.  When you decorate a room or are coming up with a new outfit, you need some way to "tie it all together."  I was thunderstruck the first time I realized that I could put the same pattern on a pair of flip flops as was on a swimsuit that I had created earlier.  Wow!  Talk about tying it all together!  I was hooked from that point on!


I have created a few designs that have just naturally evolved into a whole new line of products or sets.  I have my "Tall Giraffe surrounded by Greenery" design that seems to appeal to a wide audience.  So, what did I do?  I hit the repeat button!!  I designed swimsuits, beachtowels, flip flops, tote bags and whatever else I could think of using the same design.  Hmm, who wants a giraffe-themed car interior??



Of course, since I love my designs so much, this means I want others to appreciate them as well.  Which is code for, please buy my products!!  Or at least, take a look at them and see if they appeal to you.  I appreciate all the people who have bought my products, or just liked, loved, shared or favorited them.  That is highly encouraging to me, so please keep it up!  Thank you for taking the time to read my post and perhaps, while you are on my page, you can take a few minutes to check out my products.  If you have any questions or comments, please use the form below and let's start a conversation!!  


Uh, how about the same giraffe, but in bright blue and purple?!?



Ok, but how about some Tiger gear?  It will be ball season soon!




Thanks for stopping by!  Please share this blog on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and any other social media platforms you may use.  I would appreciate your help in sharing my blog with others and growing my reader base.  Thank you!! :)


As a designer, I have begun to use Printify in many of my projectsI've been very pleased with the results.  Check them out!


** As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn a commission if you make a purchase through a link on this blog, at no extra cost to you.  I am also an affiliate for Ebay, Shop Style and Printify.  Thank you for your support!


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